The special time of Christmas

Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel!
Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noel!

While looking back and remembering some childhood memories, I have to admit that Christmas always has been a very special time for me.

Although I have been raised roman-catholic I’ve never really seen an unconditional connection between this event and the church. For me the church was never explained by the adults in an understandable way. There were so many contradictions. Why would the church not sell all the gold-plated figures and angels to have enough money to help the poor? Why was a church meant to be an unconditional refuge when the priests’ first question would be looking for the sins of a person? Why was I constantly sent to confess my sins when I wasn’t even aware of committing them? Yes, of course I did not always obey to what my mother said, but in our religious class at school the sins that were mentioned in the bible were horrible like siblings who killed each other or father’s who killed their children “in the name of God”????? No, honestly I didn’t understand and so I made up my own interpretation of Christmas.

For me there was a young boy, who although he had been born in a stable under very poor circumstances, was blessed with wonderful parents who loved him unconditionally and people who brought him gifts to honor his uniqueness and to help him become a self-confident, strong person in order to implement his mission statement, that was to save the world. And one of his messages that he communicated every Christmas was to become a child again and be touched by the little miracles that continuously happen around us if we just listened and observed, if we just could develop this child-like innocent curiosity again, without expectations, without assumptions and without judgement.

In Bavaria there is no Santa with reindeer; we are talking about the “Christkind”, Christ’s Child who brings us much more that worldly gifts. Christ’s Child brings us magical and healing gifts of wholeness, love, peace and understanding.

I always felt the magic of the season deep in my heart. I felt it in the beautiful Bavarian conifer forests, walking alongside frozen creeks and seeing the sunbeams trying to melt the icicles hanging down from the eaves gutters of the farm houses. There simply was an indescribable stillness, calmness and peacefulness in the air that seemed to slow down everything, at least for me.

When it started to snow I used to stare into the sky and forgot space and time over the big flakes floating towards my face, melting on my skin, in my eyes and on my tongue. I forgot about all the hectic around me and indeed was wondering how everybody could go on without stopping, without wondering, without being contaminated by the spirit of Christmas.

I think the biggest part in feeling so enchanted about this season was my grandmother. She did not take part in the business that was going on. She always seemed so calm, peaceful and loving. She was the first person in my life who I could sit next to for a long time without saying a word. I thought if I was to say something it would destroy that deep soulful connection that we had at any given moment.

So, we were waiting together, my grandma and I for the bell my mother would ring to invite us to come downstairs into the living room were my parents had been preparing everything for the Christmas Eve celebration over the last weeks; weeks of endless arguments between them about work, money, gifts, the Christmas tree and the dinner.

When I see photos of WWI about enemies singing Christmas songs together at the Western Front in 1914 I have to think about my parents. They tried to do the same during one evening of the year at Christmas Eve. And sometimes they couldn’t even keep it up those few hours. But listening to my grandma’s angel-like voice allowed me to withdraw from family drama and indulge in Christ’s loving spirit anyway.

For me Christmas is not about donating money once a year instead of actively listening to people who need to bear their hearts to us. The message of humanity is important all year through and it starts inside the family. It also is about widening the perspective about raising children in a way that allows them to develop their unique personality without wrong doctrines.

When I wandered through Little Qualicum Falls Park today I felt the magical Christmas Spirit again and as my thoughts drifted back to my childhood, I decided to write this post. I feel that today it’s more important than ever before to share thoughts and emotions with all of you out there in the world to create a momentum of discussion about the meaning of Christmas because it may be in certain ways different and at the same time similar to all of us.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a gift of wholeness, healing, love, peace and understanding wherever you may be!

You don’t need a New Year’s resolution to lose weight

You can do it !!! Click on the image to order your health package
You can do it !!!
Click on the image to order your health package

Any moment in any day in any year is as good a time as any to make a new decision, course correct and plan for a different future.

In other words, why wait until January 1st to make a change in your life?

There are two common blocks to weight loss:

  1. Cravings and junk food
  2. Hidden beliefs and trapped emotions *

But of course there are also two solutions:

  1. The 7 Day Reset – An easy to follow cleansing program that stops craving and gently helps you getting rid of toxins and waste (you will lose up to 7 pounds in a most healthy way)
  2. The EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Self-Help program that gently eliminates the subconscious blocks to weight loss

Watch this short video and email or call for more information:

Click on the image to find out why weight loss can be so easy
Click on the image to find out why weight loss can be so easy









* Understand unconscious resistance: Your subconscious mind is the repository of your emotions, memories and beliefs. In its mission to protect you from perceived threats, real or otherwise, your subconscious tends to avoid change. Therefore, it may have its own reasons for opposing an order given by your conscious mind. When there is subconscious opposition to a conscious directive, your power of subconscious creates resistance to that directive. If you are trying to release weight, this unconscious resistance may be physically expressed by food cravings, emotional eating, slow metabolism, etc.


REIKI – The secret of living a happy and balanced life

Reiki means "Healing gently, wrapped in divine energy"
Reiki means “Healing gently, wrapped in divine energy”

There’s this parable of a Cherokee Native American who was teaching his grandchildren about life:

“A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too.”

The grand-kids thought about it for a while and then one of them asked: “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee answered: “The one I feed.”

If somebody had told me this story shortly after my father’s death or after getting the news about Polycystic Kidney Disease I would have yelled “Leave me alone, you smart-ass! You don’t even have a glimpse of knowing how I feel!”

With Reiki, however, everything changed and after being able to heal my grief, anger, fear, guilt and sorrow I entered a miraculous world of peace, love, empathy, truth, faith, joy and this absolute calmness, coming from a sacred place in the heart.

Why can Reiki help to achieve this indescribable marvelous state of mind?

I strongly believe that it happens because Reiki gently teaches how to connect to oneself again.

Conventional psychotherapy often uses the homecoming of the Inner Child for this re-connection while shamanism talks about the lost parts of the souls that have to be reclaimed again to become whole and able to heal completely. Both theories and more are united in the teachings of Reiki.

The gentleness of Reiki is absolutely overwhelming in the most positive way. Healing happens on a subconscious level without having the person talk for hours or go through trauma again.

Jesus said: “I tell all of you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Reiki generates faith, no matter if you believe in Jesus, Wakan Tanka, Brighid or the Universe. Reiki makes you believe into a higher Power and its energy is channeled through the practitioners hands into your body.

I had  indigenous people as clients and I was sent metaphorical messages from their belief system that helped them heal and re-connect to their roots. I had clergy women as clients and received pictures from the bible. I’ve never spent time in my whole life, neither studying shamanism nor the bible. On my Reiki journey I learnt that it’s not important because the message will come automatically in a certain way that this unique client of mine will be able to understand and integrate into his or her life as a step towards healing.

Religion doesn’t matter in facilitating healing through the power of Reiki. Reiki is universal. Reiki unites all of us on this planet through its language of ENERGY, VIBRATION and FREQUENCY.

If you like to give yourself a gift of health, I encourage you to learn this unique and most wonderful ART OF HEALING!

I just was tagged in a wonderful quote on Facebook yesterday. It said that people want to know why you are doing what you are doing.

My WHY is simply explained in one sentence: Making people’s lives healthier and happier makes my life worth living and gives it true meaning and purpose.

And I love to hear testimonials like this one:

My highlight of the year is definitely the learning and attunement to Reiki with my friend, Monika. This has opened a path and widened the way of living for me as it gently erodes old thoughts and habitual thinking. It helps me to stay balanced with a little practice every day. And gosh, it makes me feel good! ~G.S., Lake Audy, MB

Would you like to learn Reiki? I’m offering group sessions as well as one-on-ones. For your convenience the theoretical part can be done via Skype but for the attunements I prefer doing it in person because it is one of the most beautiful rituals I’ve ever learned so far. And of course there is no way to just send the certificate without giving you a big hug and welcome you to the Reiki family.

Namaste – “I bow to the divine in you”

PURE HEALTH Package for Chronic Disease Recovery or How to tame a Dragon

Cancer Recovery Pyramid
Cancer Recovery Pyramid
Visit store!
Click to order!



As you can see, looking at the image, there are some words that stand out, like Meaning and Purpose, Attitude and Support, representing the foundation of the pyramid.




EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will help you to find a new meaning and purpose in life and it will help you to break free from fear, anger and sadness in order to move on with a most positive and life-loving attitude.

Emotions can make sick and Emotions can heal! The right attitude helps us to heal and restrict recurrence to a minimum.

It is my mission to Support you in your life’s journey with honest empathy and unconditional love.

I know firsthand how comfort, support and inspiration can help others find confidence and clarity to move forward in life.


Qi Gong - Moving and Breathing with a positive Attitude
Qi Gong – Moving and Breathing with a positive Attitude

Chronic disease treatments are exhausting. Chemotherapy and Radiation, for example, not only weaken the immune system but weaken the whole body. The so-called “cancer fatigue” results from the side effects of treatment and the disease itself.

Many doctors now encourage people with chronic diseases to be as active as possible during treatment and recovery. Being active can reduce stress or anxiety, improve your mood and self-esteem, boost your energy, stimulate your appetite, help you sleep and help you regain your strength during recovery. Gentle exercise, like Qi Gong, can also help you reduce side effects like nausea, fatigue and constipation.

Postural exercises, focused breathing and a series of slow, gentle movements help activate your circulation and promote the flow of energy or QI to ailing areas of the body.

Qi Gong invigorates without straining or exhausting the body, so its ideal for people in recovery from serious illness.

Besides helping you re-mobilize safely after surgery, Qi Gong aids concentration and the spontaneous sense of being in the present that adults often lose through everyday stresses never mind a brush with a chronic disease.

A testimonial that I found on a Chinese Cancer Hospital website said: “Qi Gong to me was sent by God. It has given me a way to live life more fully and happier. I healed very quickly and have been cancer free for four years now. Once you have had an experience with Qi Gong you want to keep it a part of your life.”


Health is the true Wealth
Health is the true Wealth


VitAloe is a powerful blend of research-backed ingredients designed to support your immune system like no other product on the market. VitAloe combines plants and plant extracts that have traditionally been consumed for their immune enhancing properties in addition to nutrients that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.

Dr. Lawrence G. Plaskett, of the Royal Society of Chemistry among many other academic distinctions, states “When radiation and chemotherapy are necessary, Aloe vera helps to minimize the damage done to the body by these treatments, which destroy healthy cells – particularly immune system cells – crucial to the body’s recovery. The use of Aloe vera enables the body to heal itself from cancer and the damage done to it by conventional treatment: the immune system is boosted, tumors shrink, metastases are reduced so the cancer does not spread, and new healthy cells begin to grow.”


Brain Booster
Brain Booster


NeuroBright supports functional activity of the central nervous system. This collection of herbal ingredients reinforced by Microhydrin and Lecithin helps protect brain cells from free radical damage, boosts brain function, improves memory, and helps relieve fatigue and emotional stress. It protects brain cells from oxidative damage and inhibits the development of atherosclerosis.

“Following a cancer diagnosis, many survivors experience a sense of cognitive loss – the feeling that one’s mental abilities are slower and less acute than before – as if the brain is in a fog. Problems with memory and concentration are the most common cognitive complaints, and some people report difficulties following directions, finding the right words, or performing simple calculations. Complex tasks, like planning or organizing activities, can be especially challenging for survivors with cognitive symptoms, and multitasking may seem impossible.” can be read on cancer support websites.

Some NeuroBright ingredients that enhance the brain function:

Rhodiolarosea – This remarkable herb has been shown to enhance physical and mental performance and reduce fatigue. Rhodiola is considered an adaptogenic herb, which means it helps the body handle stress, both
mental and emotional.

Bacopa – One of the most well-known herbs for enhancing mental focus is bacopa. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to enhance learning, memory and concentration.

Ginkgo Biloba – A popular plant known as the memory tree. Studies show that Ginkgo supports mental clarity and normal memory function. It provides antioxidant protection and supports healthy circulation.

Coenzyme Q-10 – This powerful antioxidant is used by every cell of our bodies to produce energy. Brain levels of Co Q-10 begin to decline at age 20 and low levels tend to be associated with cognitive decline. Supplementation can bring Co Q-10 in the brain back to healthy levels.


Pure Life Energy
Pure Life Energy


Spirulina is the perfect food to restore our health and the health of our planet. It is a unique blue-green algae and it contains an incredible array of nutrients , protein-rich and nutrient-dense deeming it “Nature’s Miracle Food.” Spirulina is an excellent source of numerous phytonutrients which act as powerful antioxidants. It is abundant in chlorophyll, which cleanses the body of the toxins and heavy metals we are exposed to every day.

It is 70% protein and contains all the essential amino acids, making it a unique vegetarian source of complete protein. Better yet, its protein is 95% digestible compared to meat sources which are estimated to be only 20% digestible. Spirulina is the perfect source of high quality protein that’s easy on the body. It also contains enzymes, which naturally assist in the digestion process. Spirulina is one of the highest natural food sources for beta-carotene, which is essential for a strong immune system. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins. This nutritious food contains vitamin E, a highly bioavailable source of iron, and 14 naturally chelated minerals and trace elements.
Spirulina is a rich source of GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which is a precursor for the body’s prostaglandins, the master hormones necessary for many essential body functions. GLA is important for growth, development
and proper immune function. Next to mother’s milk, Spirulina is the highest whole-food source of this important compound. Spirulina has high natural iodine, which protects NOT ONLY your thyroid, but all glandular tissues in your body.

Spirulina has a number of blood-strengthening properties, as found by a 2001 study from China, concluding that spirulina has chemo-protective and radio-protective capabilities and shows high potential for fighting cancer. Immune cells in your blood are highly radio-sensitive and considered to be good indicators for biological effects taking place at the molecular level.

Doctors state that “Spirulina helps to protect your kidneys, which are some of the first organs to suffer damage after significant radiation exposure.” Research suggests “Spirulina helps protect from the nephrotoxicity of cancer treatments, antibiotics and analgesics and therefore is recommended for chemotherapy patients as it helps healing the body while supplying it with plenty of oxygen and energy.”

Please click on the image to order your package
Please click on the image to order your package
You can Heal Yourself
You can Heal Yourself










Enjoy a workshop in the comfort of your own home
Enjoy a workshop in the comfort of your own home











Any information received by your Holistic Health Practitioner is not meant to disregard that of your Primary Healthcare Provider. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your practitioner/midwife before consulting other services. Holistic well-being is a lifelong journey that involves practice and is not free from adverse affects. I am a Holistic Health Coach, Nutritional Advisor and Professional Counselor and not a licensed medical physician, dietitian or naturopathic doctor, and therefore do not prevent, diagnose, or claim to cure physical and mental diseases, disorders, and injuries. I am not qualified, nor do I intend to advise against the use of traditional medicine. Rather, I hope to educate clients about the intrinsic self-healing abilities of our bodies when provided with a balance of mind/body/spirit well-being.

The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has more healing properties than most any other plants or herbs on the planet! It is a disinfectant, antibiotic, antimicrobial, germicidal, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti fungal, and antiviral! 

Here’s How it May Help Your Body: 

• halt the growth of cancerous tumors.
• lower high cholesterol.
• repair “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood”.
• boost the oxygenation of your blood.
• ease inflammation and soothe arthritis pain.
• prevent kidney stones
• alkalize the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• cure ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.
• reduce high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
• nourish the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• accelerate healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• replace dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• heal the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
• end constipation.
• stabilize blood sugar and reduce triglycerides in diabetics.
• prevent and treat candida infections.
• protect the kidneys from disease.
• boost cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
• speed recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• hydrate the skin, accelerate skin repair.

Aloe Vera contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids.

Discover the healing properties of  VitAloe™
Immune and Digestive Support

Health is the true Wealth
Health is the true Wealth

Key Benefits:

  • Powerful support for immune cell function*
  • Supports cellular function with important polysaccharides*


What is it?
VitAloe is a powerful blend of research-backed ingredients designed to support your immune system like no other product on the market. VitAloe combines plants and plant extracts that have traditionally been consumed for their immune enhancing properties in addition to nutrients that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.

What is it formulated to do?
VitAloe has been expertly formulated to provide the most powerful polysaccharides from the miraculous Aloe vera plant. It contains concentrated organic Aloe vera with not less than 18% acemannan, plus inulin, mannitol, beta-glucan, arabinogalatan, maitake mushroom, astragalus, and nopal leaf to support your immune and digestive systems.*

Who may benefit?
Anyone who desires a well-functioning immune and digestive systems can benefit from VitAloe.

How is it used?
Simply add one scoop of VitAloe powder to water, juice or RBC Life’s TRUAloe™ aloe vera juice and consume once a day or more often if desired.

TruAloe – Immune Support from the “Father of Aloe”

Health is your true Wealth
Health is your true Wealth

Key Benefits:

  • Helps boost immunity*
  • Eases digestion*
  • Enhances nutrient absorption*

What is it?
TruAloe is a delicious berry flavored Aloe vera juice brought to you by the “Father of Aloe” himself – our Founder, Clinton Howard. TruAloe contains only organic Aloe leaves, carefully processed to ensure that you receive the true health benefits of this incredible plant.

What is it formulated to do?
TruAloe provides powerful support to the immune system and is an excellent tonic for the entire digestive system.*

Who may benefit?
Anyone who desires to support their immunity or experience a natural solution for digestive health complaints can benefit from TruAloe.*

How is it used?
We recommend drinking 2 ounce of TruAloe daily and increasing as needed. Many people enjoy mixing TruAloe with OliViva(tm) for maximum benefit.

RBC Life Product Catalogue
RBC Life Product Catalog




Click on “order now” to access all the wonderful products, have a look through the catalog or start ordering.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about earning income with your favorite health products, please don’t hesitate and fill out my contact form below.


EFT Self-Help Workshops – accessible everywhere in the world!

Smiling friendly woman with headset.
Smiling friendly woman with headset.

There’s nothing quite like the comforts of home, even when it comes to getting an education.

The age of the internet has transformed the way we do a lot of things, including the way we learn.

It’s now possible to do a workshop or learn the world’s no. 1 self-help tool without leaving the house, and in spite of job or family commitments.


The time and energy saved through distance education can be astronomical. Avoiding a hectic commute and the hassle of trying to make it to class on time can help keep your mind free of stress and anxiety. When the weather turns bad, forget about fighting the elements, just turn on the coffee pot. If you live in a remote area, choosing distance education can mean living in your own home in comfortable surroundings instead of packing up and moving to an unfamiliar place.

Less Interruption of Daily Life

Distance education allows you to continue your full or part-time work schedule or even look after a family or other commitments while you are learning. You’ll have the best of both worlds, without too much of an interruption to your daily routine.


With distance education, you’ll save money on gas and Motels. If you want to learn something that’s only offered in special cities or countries but have to live within a budget, this option could be financially feasible for you.


Learn the EFT Self-Help Tool including a unique personal EFT therapy session and continuing email support!


Fill out the contact form below and I will get back to you within 24 hours!


Cancer – The Power of Transformation and Re-Birth

Break free with EFT!
Break free with EFT!

Interviews, counseling sessions and numerous workshops all revealed the same result:

being diagnosed with Cancer, living through the treatment, surviving the disease and facing the uncertainty of recurrence means going through a turmoil of psycho-emotional stages, very similar to the stages of grief (Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross “On Death and Dying”) and the tasks of mourning  (William Worden’s 4 tasks of mourning).

“When the doctors told me about the cancer, I first went through a phase of denial; I simply refused to accept my diagnosis. It doesn’t matter what type of cancer you may have; the word cancer alone strikes fear in the hearts of all of us…” I heard my clients tell me and I could relate to that because when, in my late teenage years, I was told to have inherited a disease*, I reacted in the very same way.

* Although a cure for PKLD (Polycystic Kidney and Liver Disease) is not available, treatments (immunosuppressant = anti-rejection drugs) may ease symptoms and delay the progression of the disease, however you will have to take other medications to control their side effects. And you may need to take medications for other health conditions..

“When going through treatment, sadness was the most prominent emotion, at least until such a time when the physical pain had subsided. Once the pain had cleared enough for me to think straight, anger followed, and it was directed at almost everything—cancer related or not…” another client said and I remembered my own sadness and anger when I was wondering “why me?” and how I hated my mother for passing on the disease to me and how I hated my body for not being “whole and healthy”.

“Then you start bargaining—it’s trying to make a deal with God, trying anything and everything possible to gain more time and survive….” a woman in her early fifties told me in a meditation workshop. Yes, that’s what I did too and in fact think to have been successful to a certain point, because I was told by my doctors to suffer kidney failure around my 40th birthday and I will be 50 in February. I desperately had started my research and journey into Energy Medicine and Psychology and found that the more balanced and burden-free I could live my life, the slower the cysts were growing and although MRI’s showed them on the screen, blood tests resulted in my organs functioning a 100%.

“When there is no more bargaining to be done, the depression can be overwhelming—like a feeling that one has been tossed into a lonely, black pit….” I remember having to deal with doubting my strength repeatedly, especially when I was told the results of the examination for my immigration to Canada. My doctor had told me that he could not see me getting a Visa with THAT disease! …and although I had all the therapeutic tools and self-help techniques on hand, for a short period of time I fell into that lonely, black pit, crying, pitying and hating myself. Believe me, that’s absolutely normal and helps us to release and surrender to a higher power in a healthy way UNLESS we get stuck in there.

The final stage of acceptance should more be called “acknowledgement”. If we are acknowledging what’s happening it helps us living at peace with a disease instead of feeling as a victim. The disease in a way becomes a teacher and this enables us to gather knowledge and wisdom to help others empathetically. When I introduce myself to the audience at the beginning of a presentation or workshop people tell me that they open up and feel a sense of trust when they listen to me, telling my life story, because they know I can relate to what they are going through.

When we are looking at the tasks of mourning or the adaption to loss, we also can see the parallels to dealing with serious or chronic disease that means a loss of health.

Task 1 – Accepting the reality of the loss: having to go through a disease like Cancer means we will never be the same person we’ve been before the diagnosis

Task 2 – Working through the pain of grief: yes, it is hard work! Much harder than physical work because we have to deal with a totally unknown part of us, called the sub-conscious (according to Dr. Bruce Lipton 95 percent of our life activity originates in the subconscious).

Task 3 – Adjusting to an environment in which the deceased is missing: we will be grieving the person we have been before the disease and we have to adjust our life-styles for example nutrition-wise, job-wise, relationship-wise etc.

Task 4 – Emotionally relocating the deceased and move on with life: the impact of the disease will always be with us in a certain way but when we can give it a new positive meaning and integrate the wisdom we have accumulated from the work in task 2 we will come out of the battle victoriously, stronger and more confident than ever before.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will make your personal transformation and your re-birth into a NEW YOU and a NEW LIFE a wonderful loving and exciting experience and/or journey!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will become your very best friend after the diagnosis, during the treatment and after survival. Give it a try and book my 3-hour package!

Call 250-752-8152 for further information or fill out the contact form below:


How to manage your emotions during cancer treatments and remission

cancerFinding out that you or a loved one has cancer can be overwhelming. But most of the time anxiety and depression are not just present after the diagnosis and during the treatment. Most cancer survivors are concerned about their cancer coming back. The fear of recurrence can be devastating.

It’s natural to want to do anything you can do to heal your cancer and re-establish your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

What if you could find a way to comfort yourself and ease the worries of cancer treatment and related stress???

Complementary treatments help many people with cancer. Ayurvedic massage, EFT Tapping, Reiki and Qigong are being used along with radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. These complementary therapies aren’t usually intended to treat the cancer itself. But they can ease side effects and improve quality of life. They may even reduce the amount of medicine you need for treatment.

What’s more, some of these treatments have been shown to work in scientific studies. The gulf between evidence-based Western medicine and traditional therapies is not as wide as it once was. And many people with cancer are benefiting.

The goal of complementary medicine is to balance the whole person — physically, mentally, and emotionally — while conventional medicine does its work.

When you are having conventional cancer treatment, it may sometimes feel as though your doctor makes many of the decisions about your treatment. It can begin to feel like you don’t have much control over what happens to you. Many people say that complementary therapies allow them to take a more active role in their treatment, in recovery and in partnership with their loved ones and their therapist. Complementary therapies will also help you to feel more in control when you are in danger of getting caught up in a complete turmoil of thoughts, feelings and emotions.

LEARN EFT FOR Your Daily SELF-CARE! EFT is the No. 1 Self-Help Tool if you want to deal with a stressful situation effectively! EFT helps you break free from worries, anxiety, grief, sadness, guilt, shame, anxiety, pain and trauma often within just ONE session!
In this 3-Hour Intensive Workshop you will learn:
• History (from Roger Callahan to Gary Craig to …)
• The Power of Emotions (suppressed emotions can cause physical illness)
• Points and Tapping Procedure (the WHOLE sequence, not just a shortcut)
• Issue, aspects, details – Be specific (what questions to ask)
• Two Daily Self-Care Protocols/Healing Rituals
• Practical Examples (One-on-One session)
• Info script and charts
• Questions and Answers (email support after the workshop)


For more information and/or registering please call Monika #250-752-8152 or email

Skype sessions available!

Do You Get Overwhelmed by Supplement Options?

  • Do you want a quality supplement regimen to personalize your basic, daily nutritional needs?
  • Do you want to reduce your post-workout muscle soreness?
  • Do you wish you had more energy and greater stamina?
  • Are you concerned with maintaining a healthy immune system as you age?
  • Would you like to lose excess fat without jeopardizing your lean muscle?
  • Is protecting your heart and mind as you age a goal of yours?
  • Do you desire relief from occasional indigestion and/or relief from bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms?

Optimum nutrition can no longer be found in your backyard garden. Today’s diet and lifestyle require key supplements to fill in the gaps and give you the energy to meet life’s demands. These vital nutrition essentials are for everyone and every day!

Do you find yourself standing in front of a shelf at a health food store wondering what supplement to buy?

Let’s say, you are just looking at vitamin C. You can have it as a powder, as gummy bears, as capsules, as tablets etc. and you have to choose between about 20 brands… How can you ever be sure to find the right one that’s really helping you? It’s easy to be overwhelmed, isn’t it?

But there is a nutritional product line that assures purity, quality and strength and it’s personalized and tailored to your specific needs.

Please feel free to do this little health quiz – by clicking on the photo below – to find out how you can improve you health at this moment in your life:

It's time to start to change your normal now!
It’s time to start to change your normal now!







To get more information or place an order please contact me via my contact form below or call me @ +1-250-752-8152!

RBC Life Product Catalogue
RBC Life Product Catalogue